
What is DevSecOps ?

DevSecOps short for development, security, and operations automates the integration of security at every phase of the software development lifecycle, from initial design through integration, testing, deployment, and software delivery. The two main benefits of DevSecOps are speed and security. Development teams deliver better, more secure code faster, and, therefore, cheaper.


DevSecOps is a way of approaching IT security with an “everyone is responsible for security” mindset. It involves injecting security practices into an organization’s DevOps pipeline. The goal is to incorporate security into all stages of the software development workflow. That’s contradictory to its predecessor development models—DevSecOps means you’re not saving security for the final stages of the SDLC.
If your company already does DevOps, then it’s a good idea to consider shifting toward DevSecOps. At its core, DevSecOps is based on the principle of DevOps, which will help your case for making the switch. And doing so will enable you to bring together proficient individuals from across different technical disciplines to enhance your existing security processes.



DevSecOps Benefits

DevSecOps can increase your product sales. The most important and obvious benefit of a DevSecOps approach is that you’ll improve your overall security. As mentioned earlier, you can identify vulnerabilities at a very early stage in your pipeline, thus making it exponentially easier to fix it. And since continuous monitoring is in place, it enhances your threat-hunting capabilities. Business-wise, the more secure a product, the easier it is to sell.

Discovering vulnerabilities in the beginning stages of SDLC means you can significantly lower the costs incurred to fix them. Multiple teams coming together to work on security improves accountability. Such collaboration also facilitates coming up with quick and effective security response strategies and more robust security design patterns.

DevSecOps minimizes the frequency of security bottlenecks as well. There’s no need to wait for the development cycle to finish before running security checks. These two factors accelerate the speed of product delivery.